Zakat Al Fitr
Your $15 Eid gifts can provide a smile to an orphan
Sponsors an orphan for one year.
Builds a well in Bangladesh, Pakistan or another poor country.
Please donate your Zakat with Penny Appeal so we can continue the life-saving work we do worldwide!
Calculate Your Zakat
Zakat donations are 2.5% of our total savings and wealth; this also includes assets such as gold, silver, precious minerals, property other than your home, pensions, shares and other investments.
It's not always easy to figure out your exact Zakat, so Penny Appeal has made things easier for you with our Zakat calculator!
Reach People in Need
100% of Zakat payment will be spent in country delivering vital development projects or emergency responses.
Dedicated Bank Account
Zakat funds will be held in a dedicated interest free bank account prior to them being sent to the designated countries.
Secure Administration
Administrative cost will not be claimed on any Zakat payment and Penny Appeal will not profit from interest in Zakat payments.
Here's How Your Zakat Will Help
Our work currently focuses on benefiting the extreme poor through programming in livelihoods, health and nutrition, while rehabilitating local communities.
Years of brutal fighting have devastated Syria. 13 million have fled their homes and millions more are in desperate need. We're helping deliver vital aid.
Your support helps us to continue delivering aid to the beseiged people of Palestine. We sponsor orphans, provide food aid and medical aid.
Over a decade of war has meant Iraq is devastated. Our work on the ground continues to rehabilitate lives amidst a war zone.
We build communities where orphans can receive an education and a brighter future. 160 million orphans, you can't help them all, just help one.